Pro-Soccer PBM On-Line Guide.   (Rulebook Versions 5.51)

What Is A Play By Mail Games?

How Much Does It Cost?

How Do I Pay?

Contacting Us.

Section 1

Picking A Team




Player Status,

Out Of Position,

Utility Players (UTLs)

Changing Position,

Outfield Players as Keepers,


End Of Season,

Overseas Players,


Unavailable for Selection,

Aggression Levels.

Section 2

Group Capacities,

Ticket Price,

Private Deals,

4 Match rule,

Price Banding,


Transfer List.

Section 3



Friendly Matches,

Overdraft Facilities,

Player Requests,

Contacting Other Managers,

Reserve Team League,


End Of Season Skill Revision,

Email Turns,

Separate Game Rules,

Results Web Page.























































More To Follow.


Right Click as SAVE AS to Download or click to view online.









Section 1

What Is A Play By Mail Game? (PBM)


            A Play-By-Mail is a multi-player game using the postal system, allowing players from all over the world to participate with each other and the computer system.

            A 'Turnsheet' allows them to make the following decisions, which the players complete before returning it to us by the stated turn deadline. The data is then processed and the results of your selections are returned to you, which help you to aim to be the best team in your division, league if not the world!


How Much Does It Cost?


            A turn costs £1:90 (£1:80 via email) for your main side and any other sides you may manage will cost and extra £1:00 each. Special offers on lower division sides are always available; such offers are stated on request or in the games newsletters. Games 1&2 currently charge £1:50 for extra sides, but ALL other games are just £1 each. If unsure contact us for clarification.

            Turns are on a fortnightly basis, you can order extra-printouts which give you extra information to help you to manage your side(s) successfully. These extra-printouts are charged extra, a full price list is stated later on in this rulebook.




            Due to trouble with the OlympiaPBM bank account, payments involving cheques/postal orders should be made payable to 'T.DEXTER'. We DO NOT accept responsibility for any lost payments and turns through the post. If something is lost then just contact us and something can be sorted out. In an attempt to keep down ever increasing bank charges we ask you to send payments of at least £5:00 at a time. This benefits you as it means we can keep turn fees as low as possible. A surcharge of £1:00 may be added for payments under this amount.


ON-LINE PAYMENT: You can pay on-line via PayPal to our email address. Minimum payment of £10 is required (£1 admin fee may be charged if under £10), state your account number with payment. A full payment procedure is available via the website.

Please DO NOT send coins through the post and make sure you note the amount of payment enclosed on the space provided on your Turnsheet.

LATE PAYMENT: If you owe money going into a new turn and payment is received after the stated turn deadline then an administration fee of £1:00 will be charged. Late payments could mean you risk losing your side(s) to another manager. Always make sure there is enough credit in your account to cover all costs for the coming turn.


How To Contact Us.


There are several ways to contact us about the game or return your turn orders by the stated turn deadline. They are as follows:-


BY POST: T.Dexter, OlympiaPBM, 6 Sandy Lane, Bramcote, Nottingham, NG9 3GS. ENGLAND

Please do not send by Special/Recorded Delivery as there is no guarantee anyone will be available to sign for anything!

BY FAX: (0115) 943 6197  (Outside UK +44 115 9436197)

BY PHONE: (0115) 943 6197 between 6pm to 9pm

                        (07815) 121 585 between 10am to 9pm




Each player on your squad list has a skill rating between 0 to 100, this represents his ability based on real- life performances and form in Pro-Soccer over the last year.



Every Pro-Soccer player has a unique player number between 0 and 9999. It is vital in selecting your team or any part of Pro-Soccer that you clearly state all player numbers involved, as we need them to enter details into the computer. Try not to confuse a player number with a player’s shirt number, which is the number the player wears on his shirt during the match.



Pro-Soccer players also have ages, which increase by one year at the end of the season. Outfield players between the ages of 27 to 29 years of age are considered to be in their' prime’ to the computer. A goalkeeper is considered to be at his peak between the ages of 29-34 years of age by the computer.




Here are the positions you have to choose from for each of you starting XI in all matches. You enter the position in the 'position' column of your turncard. If none is chosen then one will be chosen for you at random. Numbers in brackets denote the maximum players allowed to play that position at one time for your side.


Code:              Position:                          Max    Code:                     Position:                        Max


Right Wing-Back



Right Back



Left Wing-Back



Left Back



Centre Back






Right Centre Back



Left Centre Back



Defensive Midfielder




Code:              Position:                          Max    Code:                     Position:                        Max


Right Wing Back



Left Wing Back



Central Midfielder



Defensive Midfielder



Right Centre Midfield



Left Centre Midfield



Right Midfield



Left Midfield



Attacking Midfield



Inside Forward



Right/Left Winger



Left/Right Winger



Right Winger



Left Winger



Code:              Position:                          Max    Code:                     Position:                        Max





Target Man



Centre Forward



Inside Forward



Right/Left Winger



Left/Right Winger



Right Winger



Left Winger


You will gradually find each player's particular favourite position by trial and error, based on performances in matches played. If you know a player who is categorized as one position and can play in another position in Real-life, then we can adapt the system to make that player play in those different positions. Contact your GM beforehand and he will be converted to that position, his player number will change skill level will go down, but MOM, Goals etc will remain the same.


On your team's squad list there is a column entitled 'Status' relation to your club. This is a single letter code of that players


'’L’ denotes that the player is currently on loan to your side from another team.

'R' denotes that you have player requested that player to be created (see Player Requests).

'C' denotes the computer has loaned this player to your reserve side and that the player plays for your side in real-life and can be created by you (see Player Requests).




The diagram below will give you a rough idea of where each position is in relation to each other on the field of play:-


                                    Position Code:                                                       Players that Qualify Without 25% skill reduction


GK                                                                  Goalkeepers Only


            RB                                                                                           LB                   Def Only


                                    RCD    CD                  LCD


RWB                                       DM                  DM                              LWB               Def & Mid


                                    RCM               CM                  LCM                                   Midfielders Only.

                        RM                                                                              LM



RW      RLW                                       IF                                            LRW   LW     Mid & Att Only


                                    ST                    ST                    ST                                            Attackers Only.




Codes: Defenders       Midfielders     Attackers         Defenders or Midfielders             Midfielders or Attackers.


If you attempt to play a player out of position (i.e.: not the corresponding colours of that position) their skill level for that match will be lowered by 25% EG: If you play an 80 skill defender in one of the midfield only positions he will play as a 80 skill player for that game etc.



            Utilities (aka UTL’s) can play ANY outfield positions without any skill reduction.

            If you play a UTL as a wingback (either RWB or LWB) then he will be classed the same position as the other wingback. If both wingbacks are UTL’s then the computer will class them based on your style of play. I.e.: Defensive would mean both would be classed a Defenders/SBU, whilst Attacking/QBU would mean they are classed as midfielder.

            If you play a UTL as a winger (either RW or LW) then he will be classed the same position as the other winger. If both wingers are UTL’s then the computer will class them based on your style of play. I.e.: Defensive/SBU would mean both would be classed a Defenders, whilst Attacking/QBU would mean they are classed as midfielder.

            If you play a UTL as an Inside Forward (IF) then the player will be classed based on your teams style of play. If you play Defensive/SBU he will be a midfielder and Attacking/QBU he will be classed as a Attacker.



            If a players position in the game is not accurate to what he plays in real-life the position can be changed. Simply ask on your turncard. However when the players position changes his skill will reduce by 1 skill level. So an 80 skill Defender Being made to a Midfielder will become a 79 skill.

            To convert a player to a Utility then the skill will reduce by 2 skill levels to cope with the extra skills the player needs to manage. All changes have to be an accurate representation of positions that players currently occupies in real-life wherever possible.



            If you select an outfield player as a goalkeeper then his skill level will be reduced by over 50% for that match. E.g.: An 80 skill outfield player would play at a maximum of a 40 skill goalkeeper. If you cannot field a reserve goalkeeper then NO play will replace him on the subs bench. This will affect team’s morale and possible injuries.



Players' performances are printed on the match report and are based out of ten and listed next to the Player’s position. The performance for a player is based in relation to the rest of his team mates, so a good team performance is all players having the same skill rating. Obviously the higher the rating, the better the standard of play, during the match.




            Various prizes are available for each league & cup competition. The winner of the Champions League receives a FREE season in turn credits for that side with other cash prizes for the final four. Pro-Soccer cash and players are credited for success in domestic leagues & cups. Various prizes also available for manager of the month awards for each league ( these are awarded every 4 league turns). Information on individual prizes are listed in each games newsletter (FTB) or on teams Transfer-News sheet which is automatically sent.




            There can be no more than FOUR overseas players in a team and one 'non-grouped' player (including substitutes). Otherwise the computer will replace some of these players with home-grouped players automatically. If you constantly attempt to break the overseas rule then fines of £500,000 per player will be incurred.

            As some foreign clubs are the only team from their country there would be a shortage of non-overseas players. So all nationalities have been put into groups and you are therefore allowed 4 players from a different group (I.e.: overseas players) in your final 14. The rest must eligible from your home group.

            Player's nationality group is usually stated on your squad list as a single letter next to the three-letter nationality code. If you are un-sure who is and who is not classed as a home-grouped player for you then please ask on your turn or contact your G.M for clarification. The overseas rules vary depending on which game you are playing.

            Some games of Pro-Soccer may run without the overseas rule in effect. This will be stated when you join the game. However the successful sides in these games tend to stick to the overseas rule on an un-official basis as it tends to help the teams morale and performance on the field.

            Confirmation of the overseas rule is listed on your games Homepage on the website or on the separate rules sheet for your game. Although the rule is not realistic to real-life it does add an element of skill for the manager. If you wish to play games based on real-life overseas rules then please get in touch and a team can be found in such a game.




Each player receives 3 points for a single booking in any league or cups match in Pro-Soccer. A total of 12 points means an automatic 2 match suspensions from league matches. A sending off for the player adds six points to his disciplinary record and an extra 1 match ban on top of the normal 2 weeks if his total exceeds 12 points


Players Un-Available For Selection:


You can only select players that are printed on that turns squad list. Players you may have signed that turn cannot be selected until they appear on your squad list. If a player is injured or suspended that a week number will be listed in the appropriate column of your squad list. You cannot select such a player until after that stated week number. i.e.: An injured player that says Wk11 on your squad list is injured until after week 11, and therefore will be available for selection from week 12 onwards. You CAN play suspended players in any cup match you may have that turn, but injured players are un- available for all matches in Pro-Soccer.


Aggression Levels:

The aggression level is between 0 and 100, the higher the number the more aggressive and competitive your side is in that match. Higher aggression is more likely to cause a more committed performance from your players, but could produce more injuries and bookings, especially if your opponents have a much lower aggression level. Low aggression in relation to your opponents can mean your players are more casual when they play. Which can cause more injuries, and also a lack luster performance on the field. Your aggression level affects how your team commits to the game. The difference between the two skill levels determines the amount of injuries, bookings etc.


Average Aggression Level: 75

Section 2



          You can build your own stadium to the level you want, to gain the gate receipts you require (within reason). Seats cost £500 each and you build in multiples of 100. A maximum of 5,000 seats can be built in one turn. You CANNOT be in debt if you wish to improve your ground.

            A full ground can give you an advantage in your home games, especially if you have a large ground. So it is important to get a decent level between attendance and ticket prices to maximize both aspects of the game.

            The bigger the ground the better your potential home advantage if you manage to fill it. You cannot sell back seats to raise money.


Average First Division Ground Capacities: 50,000 seats

Average Lower Division Ground Capacities: 40,000 seats


Ticket Prices:

You the manager decides how much you should charge for you home match. The higher the charge the less people you get (unless it's a big match). The cheaper the price, the larger the gate, but the less income your club gets to aid transfers fees etc. It is your job to get the balance right.


The average ticket price is £14:00 (un-realistic we know!)


Private Transfer Deals:


You as the manager are allowed to trade your players with other managers in the game as you see fit in the form of player swap deals (aka Private Deals). If you agree a deal with another manager it is important that both of you agree to that deal(s) on your turncards that same turn. Private Deals can only be confirmed if a team selection is received from BOTH teams. Private deals can only be for swapping of players, with cash adjustments. Cash predominant deals MUST be done via the transfer list.


If both managers state the same deal then the deal will go through in time for that following turns match. You CANNOT select a player you have just purchased in any matches that turn.

You can only select players that are on that turns squad list sent to you as recently purchased players do not join your club until after all league and cup matches to be played that turn.

All deals should be written down by both parties' always state player number and the side the deal is with. If the player is being bought or sold for a financial fee then state the fee.


For Example You Could Write On Your Turncard:-


Deal With Inter Milan:


I Have Bought 9999 Fred Bloggs for 8888 John Smith




Deal With Inter Milan:


I Have Swapped 9999 Fred Bloggs for 9998 Joe Bloggs and £1m.




            A Player must be at his current side for a minimum of 4 turns before he can be sold or swapped to another club. If sold under the minimum 4 week stay then the selling club maybe fined for each week he is under that period. Fines will start at £l million for each turn under the minimum stay.  If a side breaks this rule regularly then deals will be cancelled if a player has only been at a side for one turn and a fine also charged. The 4 week rule is not active in some games, confirmation of this rule will be in your games specific rules sheet. A Player CANNOT be loaned out to another club until he has been at his club for a minimum of 4 turns also.

            The GM can cancel any deal(s) deemed unfair to any side. A private deal will only go through if a completed turncard has been received from both clubs involved in the deal. A deal will be cancelled if a club loses its manager that same turn.




Here is a rough guide to transfer fees for players in Pro-Soccer. Please note that these are only a very rough guide-line, you will get to know more exact valuations of players as you play the game. A more realistic guide to prices will be listed at the top of your Games Transfer List each turn, although in most games a price depends on recent trends along with the nationality, position and age of the player.


Skill Level

Guide Price:

Skill Level

Guide Price:


£20,000,000 +

















75 -

£500,0000 and below


            You CANNOT do any private deals between clubs that have the same manager. The only way to move players between clubs with the same boss is via the transfer list. If you want to bid for a player who is at one of your other sides then the transfer list minimum bid must be no higher than the stated price bandings for that game (see transfer list or guide above). This is to prevent people selling off unwanted players to their other sides at massive prices to generate cash as the computer will notice a bid well above the min bid.

However, You will not be allowed to bid for a player on the list if he is the highest skilled player at your other side. Making sure therefore that a side selling their best player is in the best interests of the selling side and not just to try and help out another side with the same manager.

            Any deals that end up being between two clubs with the same manager can be cancelled by the GM if it is felt they are not in the 'spirit' of fair dealing in the game and the next highest bid will be accepted.




            You can loan your players between clubs much like you buy/sell players as explained earlier. A loan deal can be arranged and stated on your turncard exactly the same way as private deals.

            All loans must be on a 'RECALL' basis. This means that the players club can recall that player to their side at any time by giving a turns notice. You can tell if a player is at your club on loan by an 'L' in the status column of your squad list with the players real side's team number in the next column.

A fee for a loan of player can be paid but it can be no more than 10% of the player's worth according to the price bandings stated earlier. i.e.: An 80 skilled player can be loaned to a side for a fee of no more than £1 million.

            You can obtain a list of your players currently out on loan from your club by simply placing the word LOAN in the scout reports section of your teams turncard (at no cost). A list of all your players on loan and requested players awaiting payment of the final signing on fee before joining your first team squad (see Player requests).

            Most loan deals are free of charge and are useful to get reserve players match practice or help sides who have injury and suspension problems. A couple of things to remember however:. A side CANNOT loan out their highest skilled player at any time and a side cannot loan any players out if they are on the minimum squad limit of 16 players.


The Transfer List:


Every turn a list is compiled of transfer-listed players from across the game. This list includes all the players' details and a minimum acceptable fee for that player. Managers are free to bid for these players and the highest offer that turn (above the minimum bid) gets that player for the next turn automatically without having contact the selling club and arrange a private deal. A copy of each turns transfer list is automatically sent to all managers free of charge.




To list your players onto the list you fill in the details on the bids section of the turncard only. You state the player's number, name and the minimum fee you will accept for that player on the turncard as state the code 'PLACE' as the team number. 


eg: PLAYER: 1234 F.Bloggs    TEAM NUM: PLACE             BID: £1,000,000


            If you wish to change the minimum fee for your player then simply repeat the above action with the updated minimum acceptable fee. If a player receives no bids above the minimum bid limit after 4 turns he is automatically removed from the transfer list & cannot be put back unless the minimum bid is set lower than the previous level.

            To take your player off the list simply do the above and state a minimum bid as £0 or state the code 'REMOVE' as the team number along with the players name and number. That player will be taken off the list BEFORE any bids are registered that turn, this means that he will not be sold that turn, even if a bid higher than the minimum bid is received. However if a player is taken off the list he CANNOT be sold in a private deal for cash that turn, if you agree to sell a player for cash privately but the player is on the list the buying manager MUST bid via the tlist. A £3 million fine may be incurred to a side that takes a player off the list after one turn, thus making it impossible for anyone to successfully bid for a player. Obviously no fine will be incurred if that player has been sold in a private deal.




To bid for a player on that turns transfer-list simply fill out the players number and name in the bids section of the turncard along with the code I LIST' as a team number and your bid for that player.


eg: PLAYER: 1234 F.Bloggs    TEAM NUM: LIST             BID: £2,000,000


The highest bid received that turn will sign that player after all matches that turn and will appear on the next squad list of his new club. If no bids are received for a player then he will appear on the next turn’s transfer-list unless his manager removes him from the list.

If you bid a figure under the stated minimum bid then your offer will be sent to the club for them to

These offer's are listed at the foot of the sides turncard like normal turncard bids and will take an extra turn to go through if accepted by the manager I although you need not make any contact with the selling club for the deal to go through.

Section 3

Upgrading Players Skills:


You can train any player's skill up to a maximum of 79 skills. You do this by simply upgrading a player on the bids section of your turncard. It's costs £3 million per skill level increased and can be done on any player until he is a maximum of 79 skills.

To do this state the players number next the COACH section of the turncard, listed below the turncard bids section of the turncard. You are only allowed to do ONE coaching action per turn, you can however earn extra actions in a turn by winning Manager of the Month Prizes etc.

A player's skill upgrade is done BEFORE any league/cup matches are played so they can be selected at their new skill level on your turncard(s), providing that the cost does not take you past your overdraft limit of £2 million. You CANNOT coach a players skill upwards if he is injured that turn, you will have to wait until the injury has cleared.


Reducing Players Injuries:


            Like upgrading a player's skill upwards you can reduce a player's injury by using the clubs physio. Like skill upgrades you can pay £3 million for a week to lessen a player's injury status.

            To do this state the players number next the PHYSIO section of the turncard, listed below the turncard bids section of the turncard.  You are only allowed to do TWO Physio actions a turn, you can however earn extra actions in a turn by winning Manager of the Month Prizes etc.

Phsyio actions are done BEFORE league/cup matches are played and if you cancel an injury entirely the player can be selected for that turns matches, providing the cost of this action does not take you past the maximum overdraft limit of £2 million.


Friendly Matches:


            You can organize to play a friendly match with any team in the game. If you organise such a match with another manager I then both of you need to send a team selection that turn on a separate sheet of paper.

            Such matches cost 25p per side and the match report will be sent with your next turn orders. Gate receipts are shared between the two sides. There is no overseas rule in such matches and you can select suspended players. Injured players cannot be played in such matches.

            If you want to a play an un-managed side then you can either state a team choice or division choice on your selection and the computer will find a suitable opponent for you to play.

            A Cup selection form is available on request and on the Downloads section of the website.


Teams Overdraft Limits:


            Every club in the game is allowed to be no more than £2 million in debt at the end of the turn's transactions. If you exceed this limit then you have until the next turn deadline to clear the ENTIRE clubs debt via transfer dealings.

            If you fail to clear the debt after two turn deadlines then one of your sides players will be compulsory sold for well below his market value to clear the debt for you. This player can then be listed on the transfer-list for any manager to bid for at around his market value.

            You are not allowed to spend ANY cash if you owe more than £7 million at ANY time in the game. All transactions involving expenditure are cancelled until the balance is under this maximum overdraft limit.



Player Requests:


            If you think you know of a player that plays for your side in real-life that is NOT in the game at present at any side, then you can create him for your side.

            To do this states as much information about him as possible on your turncard and say that you would like to create him. If he is not in the game and does play for your side in real-life a the player will be sent to you. At this point a creation fee of £500,000 will be charged. If the team has a reserve side then there will be no charge at all to your side.

            To create this player fully into your squad the signing-on fee will be deducted from your account and the player will appear on your squad list. The signing-on fee will be set at £3 million no matter what the quality of the player.

            If you do not get the player straight away this maybe because he is in the game already, not a valid player for your side or research is still being done before the player is created for you.

            The players starting skill will only be between 73-77 to avoid managers creating dozens of low quality players into the game. His skill will rise quickly however via the end of season skills revision or you can pay to have his skill upgraded.


Contacting Other Managers:


You can contact any other manager in the game by various ways to arrange private deals, friendly matches etc.


A Contacts list is available that lists the contact phone numbers of all managers in the game. If you wish to include a contact number in such lists then please state your number on your turn and state you wish it to be included. Please be sensible when contacting managers and if they state set times to ring then please only call between these hours.


An e-mail list is also included that lists the e-mail addresses of managers in your game. Again if you wish for your address to be included then please say so on your turncard.


You can send internal mail (aka IMS) to a manager. This is a note you write to a manager. Write your note on a separate piece of paper and send it with your completed turns orders. Your note will then be passed onto that manager with his/her next turn orders. Please avoid foul language etc in such notes as they will be binned instead of being sent.


We will not give out managers postal addresses to any manager as it would be a breach of the data protection act. If you do not want your contact numbers to be released to other managers then please say so, although it will make it harder for you to do deals etc in the game.


Reserve Team League:


Each game has a small reserve team league. A side that has a reserve team will pay an extra 25p a turn and will take part in a full 22 week season like their first team. A separate turncard and squad list will be included each turn.

The computer will bolster your squad with 'R' and 'c' status players to make sure you have enough players to cope with the extra matches etc


Ø  Maximum Ticket Prices are £10 (Not £22 as stated on turncard).

Ø  There is NO OVERSEAS rule in reserve team fixtures.

Ø  You CANNOT field any injured or suspended players, just like in 1st team league fixtures.

Ø  Teams with reserve sides are charged as 1.2 sides for turn fees. Therefore a reserve side will cost around 20% extra of the current turn fee in the game you play.

Ø  On your squad list there a few codes to remember.

Ø  ‘R’ status players denotes player you can player requested but still have to play the complete signing on fee for them to become full time members of the club. Teams with reserve sides DO NOT have to pay the initial £500,000 creation fee charged when requesting a player.

Ø  ‘C’ status players are players loaned to you by the computer. These players play for your side in real-life so they are available for player request whenever you want. However whilst ‘C’ status if these players leave in real-life they can leave your side at any time.

Ø  ‘L’ means the same as first team squads. The player is on loan to you from team number in the next column

Ø  You can move players freely between the first team squad and reserve team squad list. However ‘R’ & ‘C; status players MUST stay in the reserve squad. Just state players and player numbers on turncard.

Ø  Players DON’T have to be in that squad list to play for that side. You can select first team squad members in the reserve side and visa versa.

Ø  However if a player plays in BOTH teams then his skill will be reduced by around 30-25% for any first team fixtures. (Subs do not count as playing for that side, even if they take the field during the game).

Ø  To avoid confusion and problems, you CANNOT drop your reserve side during the season. You will have to drop the whole club (including first team). The computer cannot run without 12 sides. However if a replacement club can be found during the season then the reserve side can be transferred to that club and you will not drop the entire side. You can drop a reserve side during week 22’s turn, as then a replacement can be created during the close season

Ø  You can transfer monies to the reserve team from your first team bank balance, just say on your turncard. Money to the first team from the reserves could incur a fine..

Ø  Not sending in regular reserve team selections will affect your first team’s performance, particularly if players have been selected in both sides.


Please ask on your turncard for a reserve side and if there is available space a squad will be allocated.


'From The Bench' (FTB):


Pro-Soccer's FREE newsletter is entitled 'FROM THE BENCH'. it is aimed to keep you up-to-date with your games news, results, transfers and rule changes etc. An advertisement section means you can list players available for transfer or give your views or opinions on the game or rea!- life football issues.

- We reserve the right to stop adverts from being printed in they are too abusive or may offend managers.

- From the Bench is included in your turn orders automatically every turn free of charge.


Extra Printouts:


You can order a number of extra-printouts to aid you through the game. To order a printout, state the correct code in the Scout Reports section at the foot of the turncard.


CODE:                                   Extra Printout Description                                       Cost


Managers Telephone & Email Contacts



Private Deals & Player Created That Turn



Current World Rankings Based On Squads Average Skill



Current Ground Capacities Of every Side



Highest Skilled Goalkeepers



Highest Skilled Defenders



Highest Skills Midfielder



Highest Skilled Attackers



Highest Skilled Utilities



Games Current Top Goal-Scorers






You can also order a copy of a side's squad list. To do so simply state the teams number as the code in the scout reports section. i.e.: Number 1 for Arsenal etc.


You can also order a copy of a side's league match report for that turn. To do so simply state the teams number as the code in the scout reports section along with the code match. i.e.:  MATCH1 for Arsenal etc.


You can also order a copy of a side's league match report for the previous turn. To do so simply state the teams number as the code in the scout reports section along with the code match. i.e.:  LASTMATCH1 for Arsenal etc.


You can search for a particular player also if you wish. State the players surname as the code and all players with that name will be listed along with the team numbers that play at.

Also more detailed searches can be requested simply state the search you wish to do based on Name, Position, Skill, Nation, Goals etc. You will be charged 10p for every page of the printout results.


E.g.: If you scout 'SMITH' you will get a listing of all the Smith's in the game along with any Smithson's etc that are in the game.

If you want detailed reports like Italian defenders that are over 79 skill and are 27 years of age or older than you can do so. Simply state what you want on your turncard and a report will be sent that turn. You can have these reports e-mailed to you at any time instead of via turn orders. Just e-mail your requests and the results will be sent back to you a.s.a.p.


End of Season Skill Revision:


            At the end of the 22 week season all the players skills are revised based on the players performances in the game and in real-life over the last year. This helps keeps most players skills realistic. A player's skill cannot be increased or decreased by more than 4 skill points at any revision. Any 'R' or 'C' status players will NOT be included in any skill revision. The new skill levels will appear in the next season's squad list and will be applicable from then onwards.


Turn Orders via E-Mail


You can try and send your team selections via e-mail. Try and send them in the same order as a turncard to avoid confusion. Make sure every page is headed with game number, team number, and team name to avoid confusion. You can either send selections as a text e-mail or as an attachment.

To make the system work easier please put the word 'Teams' in the subject box of the e-mail so it will be transferred to the correct area of the system automatically.

A special e-mail turncard is available on request or is available to download via the website for any managers wanting to send in turns and not forget anything or put things in the wrong order.

All E-mails must be here by noon on the deadline day, stated at the top of your turncard(s). Remember Send Email Turn orders to:  Subject Box: Teams

You can receive your turn results via fax/email also. Emails are sent as a PDF attachment, which can be read via the Adobe Acrobat reader, Which is in most PCS or can be downloaded free of charge. Other formats are available on request. There is a £1 admin charge to send your turns via email AS WELL AS via the post. No extra charge if it is sent INSTEAD of the postal version. Same goes for faxed turn results.

To receive turns via fax/email just ask on your turn, you can swap or change between Fax/Email/Post each turn depending on your choice. Or have them sent automatically every turn by that method, just state on your turn. If nothing is stated then turns will be sent in the same format as the last turn..



            Each game of ProSoccerPBM is slightly different in the way it is set up, and therefore some rules are different from game to game. A copy of your games separate rules should be sent when you join that game. If not ask for a copy, or a copy can be downloaded from the website. If unsure about ay part of the game then feel free to contact us for any rules clarification.




You can get all league results & tables via our web-page. For Games 1 to 6 then get your results on the website  We hope you enjoy Pro-SoccerPBM, don’t forget that if you have any friends who would like to join the game we will credit your with a free turn on receipt of their first payment. Just send their details with your turn orders. If you have any questions etc about the game then please contact us and we will try and help you. If you would like to change your team for another then please say so and another side in that game or another if you wish will be found free of charge.

            If you no longer wish to play Pro-Soccer then please return a turncard saying that your are dropping out to avoid turn information being sent out regularly.