




Game One: Transfer List…







To Email A Tlist Bid:




The Transfer List:


Every turn a list is compiled of transfer-listed players from across the game. This list includes all the players' details and a minimum acceptable fee for that player. Managers are free to bid for these players and the highest offer that turn (above the minimum bid) gets that player for the next turn automatically without having contact the selling club and arrange a private deal. A copy of each turns transfer list is automatically sent to all managers free of charge.




To list your players onto the list you fill in the details on the bids section of the turncard only. You state the player's number, name and the minimum fee you will accept for that player on the turncard as state the code 'PLACE' as the team number. 


eg: PLAYER: 1234 F.Bloggs    TEAM NUM: PLACE             BID: £1,000,000


                If you wish to change the minimum fee for your player then simply repeat the above action with the updated minimum acceptable fee. If a player receives no bids above the minimum bid limit after 4 turns he is automatically removed from the transfer list & cannot be put back unless the minimum bid is set lower than the previous level.

                To take your player off the list simply do the above and state a minimum bid as £0 or state the code 'REMOVE' as the team number along with the players name and number. That player will be taken off the list BEFORE any bids are registered that turn, this means that he will not be sold that turn, even if a bid higher than the minimum bid is received. However if a player is taken off the list he CANNOT be sold in a private deal for cash that turn, if you agree to sell a player for cash privately but the player is on the list the buying manager MUST bid via the tlist.




To bid for a player on that turns transfer-list simply fill out the players number and name in the bids section of the turncard along with the code ‘LIST' as a team number and your bid for that player.


eg: PLAYER: 1234 F.Bloggs    TEAM NUM: LIST             BID: £2,000,000


The highest bid received that turn will sign that player after all matches that turn and will appear on the next squad list of his new club. If no bids are received for a player then he will appear on the next turn’s transfer-list unless his manager removes him from the list.


If you bid a figure under the stated minimum bid then your offer will be sent to the club for them to

These offer's are listed at the foot of the sides turncard like normal turncard bids and will take an extra turn to go through if accepted by the manager I although you need not make any contact with the selling club for the deal to go through.





                    Acct Num: ________   GAME 1 TRANSFER LIST

                Highest Bid Gets The Player (above Min Bid). Just

                state 'LST' as team num on turncard bids section.

               GUIDE: 82-£16m 81-£12m 80-£9m 79-£6m 78-£4m 77-£2m


 Play Players         Players         Pos Age  S D  M  G G Inj Sus      Min

 Num: Surname(s):     Forename(s):             k i  O  l r Til Til     Bid:

                                               l s  M  s p Wk  Wk         

 ---- -----------     ------------    --- ---  - -  -  - - --- ---     ----



   48 IDASIAK         Hubert          GK   21 79 9  0  0 B          6000000

  101 HUPE            Jonas           GK   24 79 0  0  0 C         11000000

  134 FABIANSKI       Lukasz          GK   37 81 6  2  0 B          9850000

  213 RACIOPPI        Myziane         GK   26 77 9  0  0 D          5000000

  223 ROMERO          Sergio          GK   35 78 0  1  0 E          1500000

  444 DRAGOWSKI       Bartomiej       GK   26 78 9  0  0 B          3000000


  553 SIGURDSSON      Ragnar          DEF  37 80 9  0  0 D          4500000

  599 ISMAILY                         DEF  33 78 6  0  1 E          1500000

  794 BERNAT          Juan            DEF  30 79 3  0  0 C          4000000

  918 SANDLER         Philippe        DEF  27 78 0  1  1 D     W16  6000000

 1210 GHOULAM         Faouzi          DEF  32 76 9  0  0 F          1000000

 1365 BAUERMANN       Eduardo         DEF  29 79 0  0  1 E          5000000

 1511 O BRIEN         Jake            DEF  23 77 6  0  0 A         14000000

 1529 KOCH            Robin           DEF  28 79 0  0  0 C          6000000


 1792 MEJBRI          Hannibal        MID  21 77 3  0  1 C          7000000

 1903 TURNBULL        David           MID  25 79 0  2  5 A         11000000

 1921 IVANUSEC        Luka            MID  25 79 6  0  1 B          5000000

 1983 ALCANTARA       Thiago          MID  31 80 9  0  0 C          6000000

 2094 CHONG           Tahith          MID  24 79 6  1  3 D          6000000

 2324 PEREZ           Enzo            MID  38 78 0  0  0 E          4000000

 2335 LAXALT          Diego           MID  29 80 6  1  2 E W18      7000000

 2628 VERBIC          Benjamin        MID  30 79 3  0  0 B          5000000

 2644 OZCAN           Salih           MID  26 79 9  0  0 C          8500000


 3056 HAZARD          Eden            ATT  31 81 9  0  1 C          8000000

 3148 ABADA           Liel            ATT  22 78 3  2  5 F          5000000

 3311 SOLARI          Pablo           ATT  23 78 6  0  0 E          5000000

 3367 MORENO          Rodrigo         ATT  30 81 3  1  6 D         12000000

 3427 DAVIS           Keinan          ATT  25 79 9  2  3 A          9750000


 3650 TAYLOR          Greg            UTL  25 81 3  2  3 A         13000000

 3728 PETROV          Sergey          UTL  31 77 0  0  0 B          1500000

 3732 MUNOZ           Joseph          UTL  31 75 6  0  0 E          1000000